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Guiding customers with design assets tiles and stories

My Role

UX/UI Designer
Visual Designer


FIgma, Framer, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects


Sketching, Research, Wireframing, Prototyping, Usability Testing, Interaction Design, Design Library Organization, and Animation


July 2021 - Dec 2021


I was assigned to create stories for first-time customer education to ease users into finding support and answers with Xfinity streaming devices.


321 million voice commands were used in a year by users. Stories were created to better assist first-time customers in understanding how to use Xfinity.


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Priority was needed on optimizing customer education with stories that had tiles to further assist and support users in their needs and demands.


Stories tiles were each made in consideration for guiding users to frequent questions and necessary support.
Spanish subtitles were also done to further enhance users' experiences and comfort.


Increase engagement

User engagement soared to over 150% with the updated stories and over 198% increase in voice

command usage.


Focus was turned to enhance user experience on gaming for the next generation of users.

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